Early years experiences that last a lifetime
At our nurseries across Bradford, Calderdale and Kirklees, we are committed to providing all children with early years experiences that last a lifetime. As well as offering a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities, we work in partnership with Local Authority Early Years Services, Children & Family Centres, and NHS Trusts to support children, parents and families in their communities.
Our Nurseries
Supporting Children & Families in Bradford, Calderdale & Kirklees
Bradford Nurseries
Kirklees Nurseries
Calderdale Nurseries
Parent Testimonials
Here’s what some of our parents had to say about our nursery care
“A fantastic place, my child really enjoys coming to the nursery. Never stops talking about her experience at the nursery. I will definitely send my son too.”
Nursery News
Here’s what’s been happening across our nurseries
Autumn Term at Children’s Place Spring Cottage
The children at Children's Place Spring Cottage have been very busy this term. Besides learning about the autumnal changes, some of the children had the opportunity to visit the new Huddersfield Royal Infirmary A&E department and test out the children's waiting area. They met nurse, Tom and doctor, Mark who helped the children make their teddies better. The children celebrated Bonfire Night making chocolate [...]
Autumn Term at Children’s Place Dewsbury
The children at Children's Place Dewsbury have been very busy learning about Autumn, they collected lots of different natural materials such as, twigs, leaves, conkers, and pinecones, as well as talking about the changes happening around them. They took part in lots of exciting activities in the run up to Halloween, exploring pumpkins, enjoyed dressing up and making Halloween shaped biscuits. They learnt about [...]
Summer fun at Barkerend!
The children attending our Barkerend nursery have had lots of fun this summer which included lots of new experiences and exciting activities. We helped with the filming of Bradford's Terrific Two's video and were invited to the launch. Here are a few photographs to show what fun we had!