
Nursery News

More Halloween Fun!

More Halloween fun in our Toddler room! The children were filling the pumpkins with different materials such as shredded paper, leaves, pasta using the tongs. This is great for their fine motor skills and concentration and motivation to keep trying! Also great mathematics filling the objects with different shapes and sizes !

2021-11-25T10:21:31+00:00November 9th, 2021|Halifax|

Pumpkin Fun!

The toddlers really enjoyed exploring all the spooky Halloween objects last week. After reading a pumpkin story they explored using orange and green paints to create their own pumpkin pictures. The team then provided the children real pumpkins to explore.  Developing their language the toddlers used lots of words to describe the pumpkins as “orange”, “big”, [...]

2021-11-02T15:58:59+00:00November 2nd, 2021|Dewsbury|

Caring for Babies

The toddlers  have been developing their imagination as they have explored with the babies. They have been learning to care for them by bathing them and making sure their teeth were clean. They have also been showing interest in doctors as an occupation and have been helping to make their babies feel better. How adorable!!

2021-10-21T10:26:37+01:00October 27th, 2021|Dewsbury|

Spooky Week continues…

Our babies have enjoyed pumpkin carving.  They all got really stuck in and loved the sensory experience of the inside of the pumpkin. They used spoons to scrape the filling out, putting it into different containers. The babies are still yet to do baking and have a sensory Halloween cauldron to look forward to. Watch this [...]

2021-10-20T15:39:51+01:00October 22nd, 2021|Halifax|

Pumpkin Fun!

Continuing with our Spooky week, the toddlers have been carving their pumpkins. There has been a lot of conversations about the smell and feel of the pumpkin seeds inside. We had very mixed reviews!! The children, who liked the feel of the pumpkin, enjoyed playing and exploring all parts of the pumpkin.

2021-10-20T14:49:29+01:00October 21st, 2021|Halifax|


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